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Self Rescue Course

"Water is fun but it can be deadly."

Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death in children 1 to 4 years of age and the second in children 5 to 14.

Every year 175,000 children die by drowning. For every 1 child who dies, 4 suffer non-fatal drownings serious enough to require hospitalization.

The American Academy of
Pediatrics (AAP) Recommends:

  • Non a near around the pool.
  • alarms.
  • Direct directly when in or near water.
  • ANDAvoid the access Pool a infant to the Water.
  • Seek lessons Pool swimming
    where learn a
    fend off in the Water.

The Baby Survival Swim Self-Rescue method was created by Triathlon World Champion, Toti Fernández, to give children a layer of protection if all other layers fail:

That your child can float and ask for help or reach the wall and hold on.

A layer of prevention that a child always wears.

About the course

Course duration: 4 weeks.
Days: Every day from Monday to Friday.
Pool time: 20 minutes.
(10 minutes of class and 10 minutes of play).


Why every day?

Because that's how they learn to crawl and walk, practicing every day. This is also how they learn to fend for themselves in the water and to float.

Why only 10 minutes of class?

10 minutes is the recommended time to retain enough for the next class. The classes are individual and personalized so you don't have to wait your turn.


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